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Welcome to Our Community Project Shop

Created by Max Novak and Adrian Zassenhaus


Art for the Endangered by Max

Endangered animals are facing critical threats, from habitat loss to poaching and climate change. Through our efforts at Art For The Endengered, we work to raise awareness about these issues and support conservation efforts around the globe. By purchasing our beautiful original, one-of-a-kind artworks and spreading the word about these incredible animals, you too can make a difference and help save endangered species. All of the money we raise selling the artworks will be given to the World Wild Life Fund which is a non-profit charity that strives to protect endangered species and reduce human impact on the environment.


Shaping Nature by Adrian

"We have years, not decades, to take on the interconnected crises of climate change and biodiversity loss." - The Nature Conservancy, the organization I will be donating all of the profit to. There are about 10,000 critically endangered animal species, and many more to come if we cannot tackle climate change. By buying a sculpture of one of these critically endangered species from Shaping Nature, you can be part of a larger effort to solve this ongoing crisis, and aid in protecting the critically endangered species. My sculptures are made of clay, handmade, and exact to the critically endangered species. I put a ton of time and hard work into creating these sculptures, and I hope it can help you to remember these animals and the impact you made on their species!

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